If you are recruiting for fellow engineers, I found this programmer competency matrix that helps you to position any candidates on a chart.
The skills are organized by Software Engineering, Computer Science, Programming, Experience and Knowledge.
If you are recruiting for fellow engineers, I found this programmer competency matrix that helps you to position any candidates on a chart.
The skills are organized by Software Engineering, Computer Science, Programming, Experience and Knowledge.
This morning I had an issue where the standard Networking Manager in Ubuntu 11.04 failed to pick up a wired internet connection.
ubuntu 11.10 wired network device not managed
I’d been playing around with the interfaces file in /etc/network/interfaces, changing the settings for the ethernet and the wireless networks; but unfortunately neither helped.
After some Googling I found out that there is also another configuration file for the Network Manager in Ubuntu that needs some changing. That is fixed like this:
sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
Changing from managed=false to managed=true and then restarting the network manager service worked a treat and now the Ethernet is now properly connected
Finish up with a restart of the network manager and then you’re good.
sudo service network-manager restart
Installing mySQL from the command line couldn’t be easier. Installing from root would ensure that everything will be in place.
yum groupinstall "MySQL Database"
/usr/bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
service mysqld start
chkconfig mysqld on
If you ever check out Yamada Denki for iPad and iPhone accessories, the range is quite limited and simple. They generally stock a lot of expensive Softbank accessories, so I have been on the hunt for some interesting websites in Japan that stock some decent ones.
The AppBank Store shop stocks a whole range of interesting products and lots more than you will typically find in your department stores here in Tokyo.
Some of the products that have tempted me:
Ipad venture Case-Mate
Ipad 2 Smartcover
After we setup our office internet, I originally wanted to accept port forwarding from the outside world for SSH to a machine on our internal network.
Unfortunately, my Japanese is not good and neither is Google Translate when it comes to translating technical stuff. Luckily, with the help of my Japanese colleagues and some guess work, I followed some of the settings on this page here: http://www.obenri.com/_nvr500/remote_connection.html and was able to setup port forwarding into the router. I also had to follow the settings on this page http://cmf.ohtanz.com/blog/archives/44 to ensure the port 22 was forwarding to the correct local IP address.
In the example in the site, it’s taking the internal port forwarding of 45674 to port 80 for an HTTP request. I have my SSH port open on the machine to standard 22, and the rest of the work is done by the NVR500.
If you follow the section on the page under “SSHで直接ログインする”, the instructions should be pretty straight forward, even if your Japanese is not very good… like mine.
Setting up a Samba fileshare on Linux (I prefer Ubuntu for myself) from the command line is simple enough and very easy to configure.
Create the folder, chmod the folder to full read and write settings and set the folder ownership to “nobody”. This should be OK as hopefully you’ll only have access to the shared folder on your local network.
Meanwhile, one line on the CLI will enable the file sharing settings:
net usershare add shared /home/yourhostname/somefolder/shared "yourhostname shared" everyone:F guest_ok=y
That should be it. You can then access the folder with no passwords and from any machine on the local network.
Confirm your settings are OK when running this command below:
root@yourhostname/home/somefolder/Desktop# net usershare info --long
[shared] path=/home/yourhostname/Desktop/shared comment=yourhostname shared usershare_acl=Everyone:F, guest_ok=y
When I was working on a very, very long script, I wanted to find a way to quickly and easily replace all string instances.
vim includes a :substitute command that searches a pattern in a body of text, then replaces all the instances available.
Find each occurrence of 'foo', and replace it with 'bar'.
Change each 'foo' to 'bar' for all lines from line 5 to line 12 inclusive.
On the iPhone, HTML links of numbers are converted to telephone number links. That means whenever a number with more than 7 digits has an anchor HTML link, and the link is clicked on your iPhone, your handset will attempt to make a phone call to the telephone number.
There is a meta tag that you can use that will ignore these links on the iPhone or on the iPad.
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
After setting up this blog, I discovered that simply adding a picture to your profile would not change your avatar on your WordPress blog.
I did some Googling and found that you will need to sign up for a Gravatar (this stands for Globally Recognized Avatars).
The Gravatar is integrated into your WordPress blog, and so you will need to sign up for an account here then attach that to your WordPress blog. Using Gravatars
When .DS_Store makes an unwanted arrival on your desktop, use the command below to get rid of it.
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false